travel starter pack
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Your Travel Starter Pack

Do you really need a travel starter pack?

Many people are perplexed when they need to travel. They are concerned about the essentials needed to embark on a journey and enjoy it to its fullest. It’s no secret especially for ladies that they intend to pack their entire possessions even if they wouldn’t need to use them all. If your motive for travelling is to have fun or enjoy the scenic view of your travel destination, travel very light.

Here are tips to guide you when putting your travel starter pack together for a trip:

  • To avoid embarrassment and panic when you get to the airport and realise your travel documents are incomplete, always put your documents in your carry on bag first! Your travel passport (with visa stamp of your travel destination), health insurance if required, emergency contact info ( no one anticipates a bad eventuality; but a note with a contact info always comes in handy) and your airline ticket(s).
travel starter pack
  • Depending on the number of days you intend to spend on your trip, make sure to get change of clothes. Make advance preparation and enquiry on your travel destination. Are you travelling in summer or winter? This might influence the type of clothes you need to take along with you (long sleeves or  t-shirts, jeans or shorts, sweaters or light jackets, heels or boots, flats or loafers, raincoats, gloves, scarfs etc.).  If your travel destination is Spain or Maldives for instance, do not forget to pack a swimsuit (you’ll thank me later).
  • Ladies if you plan to take plenty pictures for the gram, remember to take a purse, belt, wrist watch, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, sunglasses, you know the rest. Underwear are also essential, socks and a night or sleepwear.
  • Regardless of the fact that many hotels provide toiletries like body wash, shampoo and conditioners; if you have a sensitive skin, you might need to pack yours to avoid any skin reaction on your trip (or else, you are on your own lol). Toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss might come in handy as well.
  •  If you are traveling as family, ensure to help your kids organise their bag. Do not assume they have a checklist and will make sure to include everything on it. Kids are kids! Besides, you don’t want to get to Paris and start looking for where to buy diapers.
  • Do not forget to take your phone, laptop(if necessary), chargers, camera, head phones, etc. Remember that some countries require a voltage adapter and converter different from those used in home countries. Kindly search on google before you leave, this is to ensure that you can charge your devices upon arrival.
  • I’m not exactly sure how to stress this point, but my beloved readers do not forget to take money along with you. Cash especially local currency of your destination, credit card or debit card, wallet on your device; just carry money!

On arrival, I’ll suggest you get enough rest. The day of activity is one you’ll need all the energy and adrenaline pumping for!

Your turn:

What extra items would you add to your “travel starter pack”? Share below on the comments, and also remember to share this to your social media network.

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  1. Definitely books! To read on the plane maybe, if you get tired of watching movies or just don’t want to.

  2. My face care products, pepper?, pant liners and first aid kit especially for sensitive stomach, body oil and nose mask.

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