Creating Magic

August 21, 2019, I did a dance in my hotel room because I was finally going to scratch one off my bucket list. I made plans to para-glide off the magnificent Table Mountain in Cape town. I wanted the adrenaline experience.

Took a taxi to the point, paid the fees which was affordable, and got to the scary part. Ah! I had to sign a piece of paper saying risk encountered is mine and mine alone to bear.

Watch the video to see how I felt, I meant after 10 seconds I was asking my pilot if he could REVERSE. Hahaha!

In the end I was elated to have done it despite having issues with heights.

Your turn:

What’s been the scariest thing you’ve ever done on a trip (or even while in your hometown), and how did you feel afterwards? Share on the comment section below, and also share this post.

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