move to australia

Let’s Move to Australia: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide

Considering a move to Australia? Your number one travel and migration doctor (and team) has got your back!

Moving to Australia is an exciting adventure, filled with new opportunities and experiences. Whether you’re drawn to its vibrant cities, stunning landscapes, or the economy of things, Australia offers a quality of life that’s hard to match (minus the snakes every now and then 😅) 

Moving to a new country involves several critical steps, from understanding visa requirements to settling into a new community. 

In this guide, I’ll offer a detailed, step-by-step approach to help you prepare for your move, ensuring you’re well-informed and ready to begin your Australian adventure.

Move to Australia in 8 Easy Steps

Step 1: Clarify Your Reasons and Conduct Thorough Research

Firstly, it’s essential to identify your primary motivations for moving to Australia. Are you searching for better career opportunities, aiming for a higher standard of education, or attracted to the lifestyle Australia offers? 

Your reasons will significantly influence your decisions, such as choosing where to live and identifying the visa category that suits your situation.

Next, research the characteristics of various Australian states and territories. For example, if you prefer a warmer climate, Queensland might be a suitable choice. For those in the technology sector, Melbourne or Sydney could offer more opportunities due to their larger tech industries.

Step 2: Research Your Visa Options

Before anything else, understand your visa options. Australia offers various visa categories, including skilled visas, family visas, and student visas, each with its own criteria and application process. 

Each category has specific criteria and application processes. For instance, the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) requires a points test, while the Partner visa requires proof of a genuine relationship.

The Department of Home Affairs website is a great starting point for identifying which visa best suits your circumstances. Also, consider consulting an immigration lawyer or registered migration agent for personalized advice, especially for complex situations.

Image showing a passport

Step 3: Secure a Job or School Admission (If Applicable)

If moving for work, start your job search early. Utilize Australian job search websites like SEEK, LinkedIn and Indeed, and update your CV to meet Australian standards, highlighting relevant skills and experience. For those pursuing studies, contact educational institutions directly to understand course offerings, admission criteria, and application deadlines.

For professionals, it’s essential to verify the recognition of your qualifications in Australia. Some professions may require additional assessments or memberships in professional bodies, such as the Australian Medical Association for doctors.

Image showing the home page of the Australian Medical Association for Doctors.

Step 4: Plan Your Finances

Understanding the cost of living in various Australian cities can help you plan your finances effectively. 

Research the cost of living in your chosen city, as there can be significant differences. For instance, living in Sydney might be more expensive than in Adelaide, particularly in terms of housing and entertainment. Create a budget that covers housing, groceries, healthcare, transportation, and leisure activities. 

Include initial setup costs in your budget, such as rental deposits, furniture, and utilities setup. Also, consider the cost of moving, including visa fees, moving services, and an emergency fund for unexpected expenses.

Look into opening a bank account from overseas or shortly after arrival to manage your finances smoothly. Many Australian banks offer migrant banking services.

Step 5: Find a Place to Live

Deciding where to live is a significant step. Initially, you might opt for short-term rental accommodation to give yourself time to explore different areas and understand the local housing market. 

Websites like and Domain offer listings for rentals and properties for sale, providing insights into market prices and availability. Remember, rental agreements and purchasing processes may vary from those in your home country,  such as bond payments and tenancy agreements. So it’s advisable to seek guidance from real estate professionals in Australia.

More importantly, research neighborhoods in your chosen city to find one that matches your lifestyle and budget. Consider proximity to work, schools, and amenities.

Step 6: Health Insurance

Australia has a robust healthcare system, and securing health insurance is a prerequisite for many visas. Although, it is important to check if you’re eligible for Medicare, Australia’s public healthcare system, and what it covers, as not all visas qualify for Medicare.

Explore your options between the public healthcare system, Medicare, and private health insurance to ensure you’re adequately covered upon arrival.

Compare different private health insurance policies for additional coverage, especially if you’re not eligible for Medicare.

Step 7: Moving Your Belongings

Sorting and packing your belongings is a task that requires careful consideration. Decide what to bring, what can be sold or donated, and what might be more practical to purchase in Australia. Remember, Australia has strict biosecurity laws that may impact what you can bring into the country. 

For international moving services, obtain several quotes and read reviews to select a reputable company. If moving with pets, familiarize yourself with Australia’s quarantine and vaccination regulations to ensure a smooth process for your animal companions. If you want to know how to pack, check out this blog. 

Step 8: Settle In and Connect

Once in Australia, take proactive steps to integrate into your new environment. This can include joining local clubs or groups that match your interests, attending community events, and making connections through work or educational institutions. Understanding and engaging with the local culture will greatly enhance your experience and help you feel at home.

Final Thoughts 

Moving to Australia requires thorough preparation and research, but the reward is a life in one of the most beautiful and welcoming countries in the world. 

By following these steps, you’ll be better positioned to make informed decisions and enjoy a successful transition. Australia is a country that offers a wealth of opportunities and experiences. With patience, preparation, and an open mindset, you can look forward to starting an exciting new chapter of your life in Australia.


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  1. Wakawaka Doctor, I need a guide on best visa and country options for my brother and I. Considering settlement. I want to know available time for conversation. I didn’t know which option to shop for.

    1. Hi Amaka. We have a blog on the website called “7 ways to choose the best country to immigrate to” You can start there. Also read up on the different types of visas and download the FREE PDF attached to it. After all this, if you still have questions, please book a one-on-one consultation here: I hope this helps

        1. Hello! Please go on YouTube and search “Wakawakadoctor Austria” you’ll find a lot of resources there.

  2. Hi Dr, i am in need of your guidance. I am interested in moving abroad for domestic work or assistant care course. Kindly guide on best visa and country options. Note that i would want to relocate with my one year baby.

  3. This was really an exposure in a beautiful piece of writing. Thanks 🙏🏽
    Here’s my question. I am not a skilled worker(not in any field) and I want travel to Australia for work.

    How do I go about it?

    1. Hello! Please go on YouTube and search “Wakawakadoctor Austria” you’ll find a lot of resources there.

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