LinkedIn for job hunting

This Is How To Use LinkedIn For Job Hunting

We at WakaWaka Doctor team, have counseled several people who have admitted to using LinkedIn for job hunting.

LinkedIn has become a powerful tool used by job seekers with different skills to find opportunities. It not only serves as a platform where people can network but also a marketplace where people get to sell their services.

It is one thing to have a LinkedIn account, and it is another to know how best to harness the potential of LinkedIn for job hunting. There are some things you can do to get the most out of LinkedIn, that ensure your profile stands out amongst thousands of applicants.

Related: 5 Platforms for Job Hunting

1. Create a Profile That Stands Out 

The first thing you will want to do to make the most out of the opportunities on LinkedIn is to create a profile that stands out. 


It sounds basic, but a lot of people get this wrong. The LinkedIn algorithm works with keywords in this section thereby enhancing the visibility of your profile to employers and recruiters when they search.

So, let’s assume you’re looking for a job as a software developer in the e-commerce niche. Your headline will be “E-commerce Software Developer” This gives your profile a better chance of showing up when employers search for an e-commerce software developer.

After inputting your specific role, it’s important to attach a short, eye-grabbing achievement or description, so recruiters at first glance at your profile, know what you’ve done.

An example: E-commerce Software Developer|| Full stack for Next-Gen Stores OR Crafting Seamless Customer Experiences Through Code

A good headline and professional summary

Add a Professional Photo and Header

The next thing you want to do is add a professional photo to your account. This will help create a good first impression. Nobody wants to click on a LinkedIn profile of a ghost. They want to see who they’re likely to hire.

Plus, LinkedIn says that profiles with photos get 21x more views and 9x connection requests, so it is always advisable to have one that is clear and professional. Your photo should be of high quality, with a clear or simple background.

Here are 5 dos and don’ts for a great LinkedIn profile picture:


  • Use a high-quality photo: A clear, well-lit picture shows professionalism and makes a good impression. Consider getting a professional headshot, but a high-quality smartphone picture with good lighting can work too.
  • Choose a professional outfit: Dress in a way that aligns with your industry and target audience. Opt for solid colors and avoid busy patterns.
  • Maintain a friendly and approachable expression: Smile naturally and make eye contact with the camera. This will make you seem more approachable and welcoming.
  • Ensure good lighting: Natural light is ideal, but avoid harsh sunlight. If indoors, position yourself near a window for even lighting.
  • Keep the background simple: A plain or uncluttered background keeps the focus on you and avoids distractions.


  • Use selfies or group photos: Selfies can come across as unprofessional, and group photos make it hard to identify you.
  • Include heavy filters or edits: Excessive editing can look unnatural. A touch-up is fine, but aim for a realistic look.
  • Wear overly casual clothing: Avoid tank tops, gym clothes, or anything with excessive cleavage.
  • Have a distracting background: A busy background draws attention away from you. Opt for a solid color or a professional-looking backdrop.
  • Look stern or unapproachable: A frowning or serious expression can make you seem intimidating.
A good LinkedIn Profile Picture

2. Build and Expand Your Professional Network 

Building and expanding your professional network is another great way to maximize LinkedIn for job hunting. 

Connect with Likeminds and Industry Leaders:

One of the best ways to build and expand your professional network is by connecting with people on LinkedIn with a similar professional relationship. Also, connecting with industry leaders through the platform that LinkedIn offers is a great way to explore different professional opportunities.

You can do this by searching for them, based on your interests and field, and sending them personalized connection requests. It is essential to keep things professional and focus only on establishing a professional relationship that both parties can benefit from. 

LinkedIn Groups:

On LinkedIn, you can find different groups that serve as a way to expand one’s professional network. Find groups that align with your professional interests and explore topics and conversations that you will benefit from.

Note that participating actively in said groups will not only expand your network but also increase your chances of getting professional opportunities. 

Engage with Content:

If there are certain companies you have your eye on, follow their LinkedIn page to stay updated with recent updates and news. You should also actively engage with every content posted by the companies you are interested in – this includes commenting on posts and contributing to relevant discussions. 

Post Content:

While you engage with content that you are interested in, you should also create your own content. It should be content that reflects your skills and expertise so that recruiters know your skills and abilities.

For example, as an e-commerce software developer, you can share content that describes e-commerce projects you’ve worked on, highlighting the challenges you addressed and the results achieved. You can also share before & after screenshots of the improvements you made to an e-commerce platform.

3. Making Use of LinkedIn’s Job Search Features 

According to LinkedIn, there are certain things that you can do to find the right job. This involves using the job search features to maximize LinkedIn for job hunting. Here’s how:

  • Set Preferences: On LinkedIn, you can search for jobs from the jobs homepage and personalize your search to get the best results. This entails making use of filters, advanced search, and keywords to find jobs that match your ideal job prospects. For example, you can search for a job title and also add the location (graphic designer, New York) to narrow down the search results. 
How to set filters on LinkedIn
  • Follow Interested Company Pages: As mentioned above, you can keep track of interested company pages as this helps boost job search opportunities. Company Pages tend to post important information like job postings and news which will help you to stay updated. You must research the companies you want to stay updated with to avoid fraudulent tactics. LinkedIn allows you to report a job post if things seem suspicious. 
  • Job Alerts: Activating job alerts to receive relevant job notifications based on your previous job searches, companies, and preferences is another great way to maximize LinkedIn for job hunting.  Save jobs that pop up while searching for job opportunities so that you can always come back to them and apply if need be. 

Related: Top 10 In-Demand Jobs for Skilled Workers in Canada

More Tips

  • Having a premium account on LinkedIn also gives you access to unique insights which serve as a great way to help you make informed decisions concerning job opportunities. 
  • Use the LinkedIn Easy Apply feature which uses the information from your LinkedIn profile to fill out job applications thereby simplifying the entire process. You can do this by searching for Easy Apply jobs and applying by clicking on the Easy Apply option to submit your application with simple steps. 
  • Make use of the Interview Preparation feature to help you prepare for a job interview. 


LinkedIn is an interactive platform that increases the job opportunities you get when used strategically. By making use of LinkedIn’s job search features, building and expanding your professional network, and creating a professional profile, you can make the most out of LinkedIn for job hunting. So, don’t simply exist on LinkedIn, instead, thrive on the platform.


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